Monday 17 October 2016

Where it all began....the first step on the path

I have been blogging on and off for the last seven years with various blogs, usually to do with productivity and achieving various goals that will enhance my life.  I created a wonderful list of things i wanted to do in my life time and worked towards the extent that i lost myself in ticking off experiences instead of really living them or realising what was important to me.....that people and those we love in our lives are more important than seeing whales in Africa or jumping out of an aeroplane.  Amazing as they came along and swept the rug out from under me and set me on a new path, one where i no longer wanted to simply tick things off but one where i wanted to really immerse myself and belong in whatever it was that my heart was calling for.....

So, out when the list and after a complex trip to India i slogged away working hard thinking i would get my head down and focus on had other ideas though.  It kept nagging at me, calling me to listen to it and my heart and follow the path that i knew was in front of me and take the leap of faith it was asking and start the way forward.

So, in just over ten weeks i will be saying goodbye to the UK to continue the way forward and fulfill a promise i feel i have made even though i'm not sure when i made it.  In ten weeks time i will be flying out to India again to begin working for an NGO and to help support the growth and development on a physcial, social and emotional level of the women and children who attend the centre, working with them to help them realise their potential and how we can use this in their reality.  The crazy thing is, it doesn't scare me and i am ready to go in a way and sometimes i wonder if i realise the serious of all this...but then i have always been adaptable and India is the first place in my life where i have ever felt at home.

I am never one to do things by half, so at the same time as deciding to go to India, i decided it was a good idea to invest in buying a flat, learning how to teach English as a foreign language, sell all my stuff off and work avidly on my business to fund all this.  One day i wonder if i will ever take the easy path!
Image result for pathway through the trees

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